NCSD in the News: Ways to Help Ensure Black and Brown Children Are Not Left Behind by the Trump Administration in The Splinter

Trump’s America could leave black and brown children behind, but here are ways to help
by Anne Branigin
January 13, 2017
The Splinter

NCSD is recognized as one of several outlets and resources for people looking to respond to troubling rhetoric and recent moves by the Trump Administration, including the selection of Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education.

“If policy is more your flavor, lobbying your state representatives about their education budget is key. States like North Carolina have damaged the quality of public education, not only by slashing budgets, but by de-incentivizing teachers, refusing to pay them higher wages for advanced degrees, and striking legal safeguards that protect them from being fired for unfair or illegal reasons. You can also donate to the National Coalition for School Diversity, a network of civil rights orgs, university research centers, and state and local coalitions that champions diversity and socio-economic equity our nation’s schools.”



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